Create your personalised world using the power of discovAR interactive colouring books.
In collaboration with Alive Lab Ltd we have produced a series of four interactive colouring books that come to life! The app works by projecting the user’s colouring onto the 3D environment which is accessed through a free app. Pretty cool right? Users can also personalise their own alien explorer which will appear in their scenes and move around. Each scene also contains three magic globes which when collected, reveal fun facts about the natural world, encouraging young minds to explore their creativity, have fun and learn.

Create your own personalised world using the power of discovAR interactive colouring books.

Toys of the future look towards Augmented Reality to bring education to life. Winning a Global export Award was no fluke – create Augmented Reality led to huge international sales for Mardles Toys don’t just tell a story in a book – bring it to life like Mardles Augmented Reality
From Stickers to Stories, books can do so much more than just the print – welcome to Augmented Reality Multi-lingual toys using Augmented Reality? Yes, please …
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