Anglian Water are making huge efforts to protect our local water sources and create a sustainable future for our environment.
Alongside Artisan Creative we delivered an augmented reality application for Anglian Water to raise awareness of the companies efforts in regards to water stewardship. The idea was to create an interactive wishing well that was triggered when a smart device was pointed at a ‘pop up well’ created by Anglian. Users could move around the well and look for glowing interactive bricks which, when tapped opened to reveal a portion of Anglian’s water stewardship story.
Each portion of the journey presented explanations, field data, videos and illustrations to help users understand what water stewardship is, what Anglian are doing to protect water supplies and what the public can do to help.
What made this app particularly unique is that users were able to give their opinion on the areas of water stewardship that were important to them by selecting from a choice of 3D coins associated with various statements and were able to toss them into the wishing well using on screen gestures. This created a fun and intuitive method of gaining user feedback for the brand.